Reporting your child absent:
It is appreciated that emergencies occur in all families, however, it is very important that Parent/Carers report any absence on a daily basis to our 24 hour dedicated absence line (01634 385701) before 8.30am to safeguard the whereabouts and welfare of all students and provide written authorisation when the student returns to school. In this way absence is authorised and the school can then monitor an individual’s attendance closely.
We expect that Parent/Carer’s will make necessary dental and medical appointments whenever possible out of school time though we appreciate that this can sometime be difficult.
Student holidays taken during term time are of particular concern. Authorised leave for students during term time can only be granted in exceptional circumstances at the Headteacher’s discretion and no more than 10 days can be authorised in one academic year. In these circumstances, Parent/Carer’s should write directly to the Headteacher giving at least two weeks’ notice
Our school commitment
Our School strives for 100% attendance for all pupils, however we appreciate that children can be ill or have rare unavoidable absences for other reasons. Therefore our overall school target is at least 95% attendance.
All staff are made aware of how each of their roles impacts on attendance and punctuality and that every member of staff, regardless of their role, can make a difference (See Appendix B for 'Roles and Responsibilities'). All staff will receive training commensurate with their roles.
The school will listen to and support pupils and parents/carers to achieve good attendance and punctuality and will work closely with them where absence is a cause for concern.
We will report to you 2-3 times per year on how your child is performing in school, including what their attendance and punctuality rate is and how this relates to their attainment.
We will celebrate and reward good and improving attendance through class competitions, certificates and other events.
Our Expectations of Parents / Carers
In line with government guidelines, we expect parents and carers to:
- Ensure your child attends every day the school is open except when a statutory reason applies.
- Notify us as soon as possible when your child has to be unexpectedly absent (eg: sickness).
- Only request leave of absence in exceptional circumstances and do so in advance.
- Book any medical appointments around the school day where possible.
Absence Procedures
The school day starts at 8:40am and ends at 3:45pm on Monday, 2:45pm on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, and 1:45pm on Friday. The school gates open at 8am for students to begin arriving on site.
An attendance register will be taken each school day at the start of the first session (8:40am). Registers will close at 9am and any student arriving after this time will be marked as “Late”. Students arriving after 9.15am will be marked as having unauthorised absence. Registers will also be taken once during the second session. Students will be recorded as
- present
- attending an approved educational activity
- absent
- unable to attend due to exceptional circumstances
Registers will be recorded according to the Department for Education Attendance and Absence codes and TKAT agreed operating procedures for coding and register management.
If your child is absent you must:
Contact us before 9am by calling our dedicated absence line 01634 385701 daily for every day of absence.
Provide medical evidence such as a doctor / consultant note if your child’s attendance is below 90% and you have received a letter informing you that their attendance is a cause for concern.