Careers Year 10

Year 10

Students in year 10 will be researching and learning about a variety of careers. Students will be invited to personalised World of Work sessions, where speakers from selected careers will talk about their job and be available for any questions. All students will also attend an in-school careers fair, with over 30 representatives from Further and Higher education, local and national businesses and service sectors.

Year 10 students are also give the opportunity to attend a day's work experience, organised by parents or a family member. This is to show them what a professional work place is like and to underline the employability skills employers need, such as team working, problem solving and communication. 

The careers coordinator will be available at year 10 parents evenings and can also be contacted via the school office. Students can have one-to-one interviews, on request. In year 11 all students will have a one-to-one interview with an external careers advisor.

Some useful websites

National Careers Service

STEM Careers

Icould (Videos of many different jobs)


Start Planning Your Career

T Levels