Rainham 6
Rainham Sixth Admissions for September 2024
Year 11 marks a very important stage in your education – this is a time when you need to plan carefully for your future. This prospectus provides you with information about what we can offer you in our Sixth Form and we very much look forward to many of you remaining with us.
Students at Rainham Sixth achieve outstanding results enabling a wide variety of future University and career paths. We have had students attend universities across the country, including Cambridge. Students have left us to pursue many different degree courses such as Medicine, Psychology, Early Childhood Studies, Art to name a few. In terms of employment students have embarked on a range of high level apprenticeships from retail at Harrods to banking at Lloyds and Biochemistry at Pfizer.
Our ethos of excellence is reflected in our broad curriculum offer and I am sure that there will be a combination of courses to suit you. This includes a wide range of academic and applied courses as well as our comprehensive guidance around work experience and employability. Support for Sixth Form students is distinctively different to the main school, but does reflect the same rigour and embedded high expectations.
To help you make your decisions you need to have a clear view of the options available based upon predictions of what grades you are likely to achieve in your GCSEs and vocational courses. Think about the areas of the curriculum you enjoy, those that interest you, those in which you have a talent and where you achieve success. If you have a particular career in mind you should research the qualifications required and consider whether it will be possible for you to achieve these. If you do not have an idea of a future career at present, aim for a range of options that will allow you flexibility for the future. Seek advice so that your choices are made on the basis of research and knowledge.
Last year Rainham Sixth proved to be a very popular choice with students both internal and external to RSG and we would recommend that you ensure your application is handed in before the deadline. Successful applicants will be given a guidance meeting and conditional offer. If applicants are unsuccessful at that initial stage, we operate a waiting list system that is updated regularly to ensure committed applicants are given every chance to join us. Once an application has been made eligible students will be invited to a guidance meeting where your choices will be discussed and we will advise you on its suitability for you. Late applications will be considered, however they are subject to places being available on the courses chosen.
Rainham Sixth offers students an outstanding learning experience, within a supportive environment. Just as the school expects a great deal from you, so you in turn can expect the maximum help from us. I wish you every success in your application and look forward to working with you.
Applications to the Rainham Sixth should be made by downloading an Application Form and returning it to the main school office, or emailing it to rainhamsixth.applications@rainhamgirls-tkat.org