Careers Year 13
Year 13
Students in year 13 will be expected to use the National Careers service and our propriety software ‘e-clips’ to research careers they are interested in. In addition they will have the opportunity to attend ‘world of work’ sessions with people from the career field they are interested in. There will also be opportunities to evidence their employability skills with a number of community based voluntary projects.
Most of their registration time will be given to completing their UCAS applications. All of our students make formal applications to university, as this extends the time they are able to make a final decision about their next steps. In addition this application process is an invaluable experience if students subsequently need to apply for an apprenticeship or a job. The careers coordinator will be available at parents’ evenings and can be contacted via the school office. Students can request a one-to-one interview at any time.
Some useful websites
Icould (Videos of many different jobs)