Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium
The aim of Pupil Premium funding is to address the current underlying inequalities between children who were/are eligible for free school meals and their peers by ensuring that funding to tackle disadvantage reaches the pupils who need it most. We want to eradicate the gaps in attainment of those who are economically disadvantaged and their peers.
Our strategy comprises the three strands of Teaching & Learning, Targeted Support and Wider Strategies. Our students will receive quality-first teaching: teachers ‘teach to the top’ and scaffold the learning to allow all students to achieve. Any gaps in learning are swiftly identified and support within the classroom addresses learning needs.
The detailed strategy below outlines the targeted support and wider strategies that are in place to provide further guidance to students. Importantly, our Ambition Tutor team is being expanded to provide every student eligible for PP funding with an Ambition Tutor to work with them and their families, championing their education, identifying barriers - if indeed there are any - offering support and engendering high aspiration.
Free School Meals
It is important that we are made aware of any pupil who is eligible for free school meals. If you believe that your child would be eligible for free school meals and would like more information, please contact the main office on 01634362746.