Character Development

Rsg journey


As part of our wider curriculum we know the importance of offering opportunities to support students in becoming well rounded individuals that are able to flourish in life. As students embark on their journey we encourage them to take full advantage of what we have to offer.

Our Big 5 character traits are confidence, resilience, initiative, health and leadership. Opportunities are varied to encourage all students to develop these characteristics at their own pace and to suit their own needs.   To accompany our Big 5, we have different ways students can develop skills, known as the Five Ways to Wellbeing: Give, Take Notice, Keep Learning, Connect, Be Active.  Some examples of the ways students develop the character traits include:

  • Jump Rope
  • Christmas Market
  • Inter-form Competitions
  • Charity Events
  • Career events and guidance
  • Personal challenges
  • Health Sessions
  • Tea Dance
  • Work Experience
  • Colour-Run
  • Music Concerts
  • Dance Shows
  • Drama Performances
  • Sports Clubs
  • Cheerleading
  • Peer Mentoring
  • School Council
  • Junior Leadership Team
  • Reading Buddies
  • School-event Volunteers


Character Spotlight

April 2021

Rosa in Year 9 said she felt undecided about the options she should pick for her GCSEs. She has had the opportunity to discuss her life goals with the Careers Advisor in school and subject specialists. Rosa agrees that having open conversations about her progress, strengths and areas of development were really helpful in coming to her final decision and she is very excited about starting her new option subjects in September.

Confidence: Initiative: Resilience

Take notice: Be Active: Connect


May 2021

Padma started her A levels feeling overwhelmed and unsure how she would manage her time and the expectations of KS5 studies. She has just left RSG and feels completely different now. She feels like a different person, recognising how she has been challenged, sometimes overwhelmed but she has found a variety of ways to deal with the challenges she has faced. Padma is ready to grow further as she makes her way into the world of university study and says she knows how all the challenges she has faced at RSG will help her to succeed in her ambitious future.

Resilience: Confidence: Health: Initiative

Keep learning: Connect: Be Active


Feb 20

Year 11s Caroline, Mya, Ellie, Amelia and Year 10s Grace and Hannah have all been involved in supporting the year 9s in making decisions about their upcoming option choices. They have spent 5 morning talking to groups about their own experiences in our version of speed dating called the Big Buzz. They have also spent a morning with 9MM answering specific questions about options and the workload students should expect.

They have found the experience character building for a variety of reasons. They have had to use their initiative when faced with students who lacked confidence to engage in conversation with older students to help them feel more relaxed. The year 9 students posed some very interesting questions and Caroline particularly felt confident discussing her experiences in psychology. Being able to connect successfully with the younger students and support them was something the girls felt very proud of.

Character Development: Confidence • Initiative • Leadership • Resilience •

Five ways to wellbeing: Give • Connect • Be active • Take notice • Keep learning •


Dec 19

Chloe, a year 8 student reflects on her involvement in the Hamper events for Christmas. Initially she thought it would be an activity where every student donated something and then that was the end of the process.  However, Chloe helped design the theme of the hamper, spend some break and lunch time working with her peers to perfect the hamper and then once this was completed said she felt really proud of the finished hamper - she also said it made her feel good to be giving to other people!

Character Development: Confidence • Initiative • Leadership •

Five ways to wellbeing: Give • Connect • Be active •


Character Spotlight                                                

Hannah, a year 12 student has recently taken part in our ‘Speed Dating’ event. This gives younger students the opportunity to speak to older students about choosing different options and what being a student in a different stage of the school is really like. Hannah said she felt nervous about answering questions that would be asked by year 11 students as she wasn’t sure she could answer them properly. Hannah dedicated five mornings to being involved in the event. On the final day she was asked how she had found the experience. Hannah said she had enjoyed it, that year 11s had asked her some questions she wasn’t expected but she was able to think on the spot and give appropriate responses. Hannah also remarked that she wasn’t sure why she had been so nervous to start with but would definitely take part in a similar activity again.

Character Development: Confidence • Resilience • Leadership •

Five ways to wellbeing: Give • Connect • Take notice •


Downloads Date  
Student Wellbeing - Our recipe 11th May 2020 Download